Sunday, April 10, 2011

LA 8 - Grid Layouts

Here are the magazine pages that seem to conform to grid layouts. I was having a little trouble with understanding the nature of grids a bit. I think I essentially came to the conclusion that a grid was fairly uniform and equally divided for the most part. Which these two do for the most part.

Here are two magazine pages that don't conform to a grid, as far as I can tell. The reason I felt that they don't use the grid is that there is no uniform division of alignments, even though there are some alignments used.

This is a website that uses the grid layout as far as I can tell.

This skyscraper seems to follow a grid as an overall design, and on a much smaller level with all the windows, but i wasn't going to go into that much detail, as it stands, the grid looks a little strange because of the perspective of the photo.


  1. Hi Jarryd,

    The speed painting does in fact follow a rigorous grid! Can you see a 6 col grid there?

    It's a great example of how the grid has been used to add unity and hierarchy to the artwork.


  2. Hi Jarryd,

    Your grid overlays on the magazine articles are close to what's expected of a grid "system" although lose the horizontals, they seem quite specific to THAT page and woudn't necessarily carry over to subsequent pages.

    That's one of the goals of a grid system; universality.

    You've got the coluumn counts right.

    Sure there might be a horizontal guide for page footers/ headers that works across the magazine but usually it's the column grid that is more universal.

    For single page layouts like posters (although it applies to multi-page layouts as well) the grid system is about providing a layout that designers can use to align objects in space.

    Think about proximity. If objects are aligned by proximity to the column guide it's assumed they have an association.

    Once they have an association they have the same status/ emphasis.

    Move on,

